Superb Smiles Include Brushing and Flossing

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When the time comes to enhance your oral health care, make sure you’re doing everything you can to set yourself on a path to optimum oral hygiene. This includes making sure you’re taking the time to brush and floss your teeth daily. Ideally, you should be brushing your teeth at least twice every day and flossing your teeth at least once a day as well. Flossing is essential because it can reach areas between teeth that brushing alone cannot reach. Through a combination of these two cleaners, you can drastically enhance the health of your smile.

In order for your brush to function effectively, you need to take your time and brush all sides of a tooth. It typically takes between two to three minutes to adequately brush your entire mouth. Don’t forget to brush your tongue as well as it can often harbor bacteria. Furthermore, store your toothbrush after using it in a safe, upright location. Never allow your toothbrush to touch other toothbrushes or be used by anyone else, as doing so can cause contamination.

When determining which product to use for your interdental care, always focus on one that is guaranteed to clean as you need to. Even missing a single tooth can cause problems to your oral health and lead to further dental damage. Thus, use a dental thread or water flosser that can accomplish the task of cleaning between each and every tooth. If you do use a dental thread, make sure the floss is roughly 18 inches in length, so you can move up and down the strand as needed without ever having to use the same section more than once. This could prove to be extremely beneficial for avoiding recontamination.

Are you interested in learning more about cleaning your teeth and gums? If you would like to schedule an exam for a cleaner smile with Drs. Bryan and Davis and the rest of our team at Northwest Dental Associates, you are welcome to call our dentist office at 541-779-3993 for an appointment in Medford, Oregon.