If you are seeking to improve your oral health, you may want to visit with an orthodontist. Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry designed to correct issues such as malocclusions and irregular features that exist within your smile in relation to teeth being out of rotation or position. With the use of an orthodontic treatment system, your teeth can be... read more »
If you want a healthy and beautiful smile, then this year is the year to achieve it! You can start today and work toward the top-notch oral health you deserve. Our dentists, Drs. Bryan and Davis, are more than happy to help you start working toward that smile and oral health, and they would like to do so by encouraging... read more »
When chronic dental stains affect the teeth in your smile it can leave you feeling self-conscious and socially awkward. Significant stains that alter the color of your tooth enamel can also be frustrating if you try to remove them with retail strength tooth whitening products. In a situation like this, you should consider scheduling a dental bleaching treatment at... read more »
Have you ever felt nervous or scared about visiting your dentist? Have you ever been overcome with fears or anxiety by merely going to your dentist’s office and receiving oral health care procedures? If so, you are not alone. This is a commonly known condition called dental anxiety. Fortunately, it can be treated with many treatments to help ensure... read more »
This is the season of celebration and a season of family. And it is the season for traveling to celebrate with family. While it may take a little bit more effort while you are on the road, you should not neglect your dental care on a family trip or just enjoying your vacation. Here are some things to think about... read more »
The many uses of dental care involve cosmetic dentistry, which is a field of dentistry involving smile makeovers for both the look and quality of teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can even assist patients who have received multiple dental treatments to treat fragile dental health. We invite you to consider the following cosmetic dentistry procedures that may help you achieve your cosmetic... read more »
During orthodontic treatment, certain issues can occur, especially if you do not follow Dr. Bryan and Dr. Davis’s instructions. Things like neglecting to wear a mouth guard when playing sports or eating foods that you shouldn’t can damage your braces. Keep in mind that your braces may also need fixing at some point even if you diligently follow all of... read more »
Bad breath has many causes, and today our Northwest Dental Associates team in Medford, Oregon, is happy to share three common causes and how you can overcome them to give you a stellar smile and fresher breath. Teeth and Tongue Your mouth is home to millions of bacteria that build up into a sticky film called plaque. Plaque coats your... read more »
There is more to taking care of your smile than brushing your teeth. Let’s look at some more habits your teeth need you to develop. Flossing: The daily companion to brushing, this oral hygiene habit can be difficult to adhere to. However, it is vital to your dental health. Use a single filament floss that has the ADA Seal... read more »
Dental Caries, dental attrition, and tooth decay complications can start out causing minor discomfort. As time goes by they can lead to more severe symptoms including tooth loss, gum disease, toothaches, and increased potential for a developing a dangerous dental abscess. If you have problems with maintaining good oral hygiene or you drink acidic beverages on a regular basis, it... read more »