Dental Health and the Health of Your Body

You may know that you should brush your teeth if you’re interested in protecting the health of your teeth, but did you know that brushing and flossing could also help your overall health? If you don’t care for the health of your teeth, plaque and bacteria may enter your bloodstream and cause long-term damage. Even major organs such as your... read more »

Healthy Saliva Production 101

Today we would like to talk a little bit about saliva in the healthy functioning of your mouth. Most people know how important the teeth and gums are for a healthy smile, but saliva is an underrated star player in this game! And we would like to change that. What does Saliva do for your smile? Saliva washes away food... read more »

A Teeth-Bleaching Treatment Can Safely and Conveniently Whiten Your Smile

If you could look at your teeth on a microscopic level, you would see small pores in the mineral structures that make up your tooth enamel. When staining particles from dark foods and beverages become trapped in these microscopic textures, they can slowly adhere to and penetrate the enamel. If you haven’t been satisfied with your results from consumer-grade whitening... read more »

A Dental Implant Can Be Installed to Replace a Knocked Out Tooth

Each one of your teeth is held in its socket by a series of strong periodontal ligaments. Unfortunately, there are extreme situations where a hard fall, blow to the face or other unforeseen accident can sever these ligaments and effectively knock the tooth out. In most cases, some aspect of the tooth remains in the socket and thus it cannot... read more »

Dental Veneers Can Greatly Improve an Imperfect Smile

An unappealing smile can leave you feeling self-conscious throughout your day. The exact nature and severity of the imperfections will directly dictate the cosmetic dental treatments that Dr. Bryan and Dr. Davis recommends. For teeth with multiple imperfections such as deep stains, chips and discolored fillings, they will often recommend installing dental veneers. These are custom-shaped thin porcelain shells that... read more »

The Benefits of Dental Veneers

Thanks to the rapid popularity in cosmetic dentistry, having the smile of your dreams are finally achievable through the magic of dental veneers. Dental veneers are a popular option when you want to correct flaws in your smile, and give you a dazzling smile for years to come. Here are some common questions and answers about dental veneers, and how... read more »

What Your Teeth Need After Your Dental Treatment

Odds are, at some time you'll need to visit a dentist and have some type of dental treatment. However, do you know what you should do—and avoid doing—after your treatment? Naturally, our dentist will tell you what you should do after your treatment, but we're happy to give you a few ideas on what you should expect after common treatments.... read more »

When to Floss Your Child’s Teeth

You probably know that you should start caring for your children’s teeth as soon as they erupt. Similarly, you may have been told that you should start cleaning your children’s gums even before their first tooth comes in. However, do you know when you should start flossing your children’s teeth? As you’ve heard, flossing is an important part of anyone’s... read more »