An unappealing smile can leave you feeling self-conscious throughout your day. The exact nature and severity of the imperfections will directly dictate the cosmetic dental treatments that Dr. Bryan and Dr. Davis recommends. For teeth with multiple imperfections such as deep stains, chips and discolored fillings, they will often recommend installing dental veneers.
These are custom-shaped thin porcelain shells that are cemented onto the face of each tooth in your smile. The porcelain material can be shaded to look just like natural tooth enamel and will not be prone to deep stains in the future.
Dr. Bryan and Dr. Davis will first want to examine each tooth in your smile and take a few X-rays. It’s important to determine that there is enough healthy enamel on each tooth to anchor a dental veneer. If one or more teeth have insufficient enamel or is compromised by past dental work, they might recommend having that particular tooth restored by a porcelain crown.
Next, Dr. Bryan and Dr. Davis will make a detailed impression of your teeth. This will be sent to the dental lab where your porcelain dental veneers are made. When the dental veneers are ready, we will call you back into our office for a second appointment. A small amount of enamel will be removed from each tooth before the corresponding veneer is cemented in place.
If you have teeth in your smile suffering from multiple imperfections, we invite you to call Dr. Bryan and Dr. Davis’ office in Medford, Oregon at 541-779-3993 to ask about how our dental veneers can get you smiling again!  Â