The many uses of dental care involve cosmetic dentistry, which is a field of dentistry involving smile makeovers for both the look and quality of teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can even assist patients who have received multiple dental treatments to treat fragile dental health.
We invite you to consider the following cosmetic dentistry procedures that may help you achieve your cosmetic goals:
– Dental bonding: If you are dissatisfied with the length, color, shape, or size of your teeth, dental bonding can help you sculpt your dream smile.
– Dental bridges: Tooth loss can affect your dental profile, which can be supported again with a custom-made dental bridge.
– Dental crowns: Damaged and cosmetically flawed teeth can be fully covered with a porcelain dental crown.
– Dental implants: A missing or extracted tooth can be corrected with permanent tooth replacement through a dental implant.
– Dental veneers: These high-quality dental restorations can be custom created to transform the appearance of your teeth.
– Dentures: Custom-made dentures are crafted to replace several or all of your teeth.
– Teeth whitening: Address the appearance of stains and yellowed teeth by having your smile professionally whitened.
Northwest Dental Associates is pleased to help you understand your options for cosmetic dentistry in Medford, Oregon. Please feel free to give us a call at 541-779-3993 today to schedule your consultation with our dentist, Dr. Bryan and Dr. Davis.